Game Review: Spirit City Lofi Sessions

Developer/Publisher: Mooncube Games Released: April 8, 2024 Steam Store Page: There are several titles available nowadays that focus on providing gentle music or other sound effects to enjoy while working on projects outside of the game. Sometimes they will even include timer functions or to-do lists for organizational purposes. In other words, they actContinue reading “Game Review: Spirit City Lofi Sessions”

Game Review: Pluviophile

Created by: Tonguç Bodur Release year: Jun 11, 2020 If you want to take a peaceful stroll through the forest but cannot make the trip out to one, Pluviophile might be the best next choice. The main objective is to enjoy walking along a path in a beautifully detailed forest while it is sprinkling andContinue reading “Game Review: Pluviophile”

Game Review: Psychonauts 2

Studio: Double Fine Released: August 25, 2021 Trailer: In this game by Double Fine, 10-year-old Razputin Aquato works to achieve his dream of joining the Psychonauts, a secret agent taskforce of psychics who use their abilities to jump into minds and accomplish various missions. I got my introduction to this series a little bitContinue reading “Game Review: Psychonauts 2”

Game Review: Cozy Grove

Studio: Spry Fox Released: April 7, 2021 Trailer: A young spirit scout looking to earn her final merit badge becomes stranded at her destination–an island inhabited by the lost souls of bears. She must then help them to reclaim their memories, expanding the island in the process and creating a comfortable space to liveContinue reading “Game Review: Cozy Grove”

Game Review of Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery

Studio: Silver Lining Studio Released: August 25, 2021 Trailer: “Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery” follows a young woman painter as she prepares for an exhibition of her works, who becomes increasingly curious about her neighbor, an old gentleman artist, in the room just beyond her window and his mischievous cat. As the storyContinue reading “Game Review of Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery”

Game Review: A Glimpse at Spiritfarer

Studio: Thunder Lotus Released: August 18, 2020 Spiritfarer is a sweet, organizational game of preparing loved ones to pass on and dealing with mortality. The main character, Stella, gets tasked by the ancient being Charon with assuming the role of the titular “Spiritfarer,” a shepherd of sorts for spirits caught in-between life and the unknownContinue reading “Game Review: A Glimpse at Spiritfarer”

Game Review: Undertale

Released in 2015 on Steam, Toby Fox’s Undertale is a game about choices and, arguably, freewill. A child in a striped shirt climbs a mountain and falls deep into the underground kingdom of monsters, trapped there by a magical barrier after a war with the human population. Your role as a player is then toContinue reading “Game Review: Undertale”

A Trip to Stardew Valley

Released in 2016 by ConcernedApe, Stardew Valley is among those games affectionately known as “farming sims.” Your character inherits a farm in the titular Stardew Valley from her or his grandfather and must restore the property to its former glory. As matters stand, the whole area has been long-neglected, and the initial priority is generallyContinue reading “A Trip to Stardew Valley”

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