Journal Entry #38-Literary Observations has been published!!!!

Good news! Amazon has accepted the Kindle/E-book and paperback versions of Literary Observations, a collection of my short stories and poems, and it is now available on their site. It also means that I’m an author of my own self-published book, which is a wonderful feeling–especially right before Christmas. Here is a link to LiteraryContinue reading “Journal Entry #38-Literary Observations has been published!!!!”

A Craft Companion (A Poem)

By Joyce Jacobo [Author’s Note: Learning about the violin and all the artisanship that goes into constructing such an instrument has also served as a reminder of writing as a craft, and the way our crafts–in general–develop alongside us.] Another year has come and gone       with the two of us in company—                                     MyContinue reading “A Craft Companion (A Poem)”

Game Review: Psychonauts 2

Studio: Double Fine Released: August 25, 2021 Trailer: In this game by Double Fine, 10-year-old Razputin Aquato works to achieve his dream of joining the Psychonauts, a secret agent taskforce of psychics who use their abilities to jump into minds and accomplish various missions. I got my introduction to this series a little bitContinue reading “Game Review: Psychonauts 2”

Creature of Memories (A Poem)

By Joyce Jacobo [Author’s Note: Just a few thoughts about individual development, helped along by the people we encounter in life.] A creature emerged into the world    her only definition was her lack of definition     transparent as a reflection upon a crystalline surface            as she wandered among fields and foothills                                                        mountainsContinue reading “Creature of Memories (A Poem)”

Flight of Butterflies (A Poem)

By Joyce Jacobo [Author’s Note: I love when Monarch butterflies fly through our area, and I keep meaning to plant some milkweed to offer them a treat on their journey. Unfortunately, the squirrels and rabbits love to munch on them as well.] The butterflies are in flight As a warmer season draws nearlife springs forthContinue reading “Flight of Butterflies (A Poem)”

Journal Entry #8

The other day I received some exciting news. A library relatively near to where I live emailed to say they wanted to set up an interview with me for a library associate position. I still plan to become a professional writer, and to take on freelance writing gigs to build up my portfolio in thatContinue reading “Journal Entry #8”

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