The Shunn Manuscript Formatting Method

The Shunn Manuscript Format, developed by a gentleman named William Shunn, was a method that first got shared with me by a very helpful and responsive literary magazine editor. Learning about it was an eye-opening discovery, as was the fact that many literary magazines and similar publications often see this style as something of aContinue reading “The Shunn Manuscript Formatting Method”

Stories are Everywhere (Some Creative Advice)

By Joyce Jacobo [Author’s Note: I wrote this short piece a while back for a publisher called BQB Publishing:, but I thought it might be nice to share it here as well. Hope you like it!] Discovering the bright spark of literary inspiration can pose an overwhelming challenge at times, especially when you don’tContinue reading “Stories are Everywhere (Some Creative Advice)”

Some Fun Wordplay and Literary Games

The creative writing workshop courses I took throughout grad school offered many valuable lessons and techniques to use as a writer, some of which encouraged playing around with words to generate new ideas. Freewriting, or the act of writing whatever comes to mind for a set amount of time, was one such game–but there wereContinue reading “Some Fun Wordplay and Literary Games”

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