Goodreads: A Few Facts

Coming across sites dedicated to books and connecting bibliophiles from around the world is always a pleasure, and Goodreads ranks among the most famous of them all. Started in 2007 by Otis and Elizabeth Chandler, this website focuses on helping readers to do such things as keeping track of the literary works they have readContinue reading “Goodreads: A Few Facts”

Journal Entry #25–Line Editing Position and Learning Process

The last few days have been exciting in terms of my personal writing journey. Hopewell Publications, which runs The US Review of Books where I work as a book reviewer, offered an opportunity to join them in their latest venture of offering manuscript editing services. I submitted an application and got accepted as a lineContinue reading “Journal Entry #25–Line Editing Position and Learning Process”

A Narrative Voice (A Poem)

By Joyce Jacobo [Author’s Note: I find the distinction between narrators and authors very interesting. They are not necessarily the same thing, although sometimes it is easy to assume they always are when reading works from a first-person perspective.] Hello. I am The Narrator,         a teller of stories. Sometimes a narrator is The Author,Continue reading “A Narrative Voice (A Poem)”

Write, write and write some more… — johncoyote

Write, write and write some more A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Words are powerful. They create tears, laughter, happiness and sadness. Without the great word-men and word-women. What would we know and understand?                               Write, write and write some more… What would this world be without words? The ancient writers wrote of war and love without […]Continue reading “Write, write and write some more… — johncoyote”

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