My Child and I (A Poem)

By Joyce Jacobo

[Author’s Note: Inspired by A.L. Milne’s Winnie-the-Pooh books, and a few other things. Hope you enjoy it!]

The mother stitched

  fabric together into the design

  of an anthropomorphic fox

     adorned in a simple dress

     with a bow tied near one ear

But it was my child who

  filled that vessel with life

  and gave me the name

  of Caramel the Fox

My child and I

   we made a fine pair

She treated me

    to fancy tea parties

    and played teacher

        while I listened

         in rapt attention

         as she explained

            the huge world

            all around us

I protected her

     late at night

     when we were alone

      in the darkness

           of her room

        and kept her company

           during visits to the doctor

           or to the amusement parks

           or just about everywhere

My child and I

     She whispered my name


           when fear gripped her

       and I always whispered


         that only my child

             could ever hear

My child and I

    after a certain point

    I watched her transform

      like a caterpillar

      into a butterfly

        from a high shelf

        in her bedroom

Then she left

     and I fell asleep

      within a shoebox

          kept company

          by the memories

          we had made together

My child and I




Once the box opened

    I woke up by degrees

    to peer into a face

        much like my child

        when she was little

            with a huge smile

            that made her glow

The sight confused me

   until I saw the face

   of my child

      as she explained

      that I was Caramel the Fox

         a true companion

         made with love

So I promised the mother

           (and still my child)

    to always protect

           this new child

     and watch after her   

           my child and I                 

19 thoughts on “My Child and I (A Poem)

    1. Glad you liked it. I’ve always loved hearing stories of treasured toys or other items passed down from one generation to the next, and all the memories and love that gets carried along as well.


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